Machinery Europe s.r.o. (earlier Polygrafické stroje s.r.o.) already for several years offers a broad spectrum of services related to the repurchase and sale of used printing, book-binding and finishing machines. Our expert team with good language and technical knowledge and the team of professional specialised technicians and mechanics is ready to accommodate your needs in the following areas.
Technical inspection
Service for your greater assurance that you are buying the correct product for your company. The most important point of each business transaction is for you to know precisely what you get for your More...
Evaluation and consultation
Continuous contact with the developments and changes in the global market** of used printing and book-binding machines makes it possible for us at all times to offer current pricing not only of the individual machines More...
Dismantling and loading
According to the specific conditions agreed upon for the given business transaction, we offer paid services – dismantling, removal, loading and transport. With the following services More...
We provide road or maritime transport (including the necessary accompanying documentation) for which we use only renowned companies. More...
Securing the necessary documents
At your request, we shall provide the necessary accompanying documents for the purchased machines, whereas the standard consists of the freight documents, hand-over reports, export... More...
Installation and training of the operators
We shall do the installation and training of your operators or recommend suitable specialists according to a specific machine type and brand or its accessories. More...
Moving of the machines
We shall ensure complete transfer of individual machines and production units of printing and book-binding works. More...
Search for machines
If you are looking for a used printing, book-binding, pre-press or finishing machine, then our expert team is ready here. We shall find a machine for you according to your … More...
At your request, we can provide you with the contacts of contacts leading providers of funding of the purchase of used printing equipment. More...